
We are blessed at Calvary Chapel La Mirada to have a Senior Pastor that loves worship and desires the congregation to enter into a full, expressive God-centered worship. He has labored over the years to stress the importance of offering up pure praise to God, for "a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks" John 4:23

We are blessed to have worship songs being written by our team, based on the work of Christ in our lives. We proclaim that God is doing a work in our midst, and this is given voice partially through the expressions of praise given in new songs. We were blessed with being able to record a live CD of original songs, "There is a Place".

In addition we are always looking for people in the congregation that have music talent. If you play an instrument and desire to be used in this way, practice with us on Thursday nights at 7 pm.

For more information contact:

Pastor Josh Leon

(562) 347-8153


      15144 Leffingwell Rd, La Mirada, CA 90638
      phone: 562-941-2558
      email: info@calvarylm.org
         Click Here to Give Online  
      Service Times
    • 8:30am
    • 10:30am
    • Spanish - 1:30pm
    • Wednesday - 7:00pm
      14752 Beach Blvd.
      Suite 207
      La Mirada, California 90638