Associate Pastor Vernal Mathis

In a world where competing views are battling for central focus in the marketplace of Ideas, Vernal has a passion to equip believers to be thinking Christians so that as Ephesians 4:14 states they will not be “tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine” that rises up against the truth of Christ. Vernal has a passion to lead believers to think biblically about their faith and the world around them. Vernal believes that when Christians have a proper grasp on Sound Doctrine as expressed in a proper interpretation of Scripture, they can establish a stable walk grounded in the Truth of God’s unchanging Word. When this occurs, Christians can face the false claims of other religions, cults, or just the ever shaky ground of modern relativism with a confident and well thought out faith knowing they will be able to “give a defense to everyone who asks to give an account” (1 Peter 3:15).

When Vernal first came to Calvary La Mirada, he believed that God was calling him to serve the leadership here in any capacity. He recalls a time when he was eating at Denny’s one Sunday after service and deciding that he wanted to serve as a Calvary Pastor some day if the Lord was willing. Now He serves as an Associate Pastor on staff at Calvary La Mirada and understands that God may call him to one day plant a church somewhere else. One of the good things about being at Calvary La Mirada, is the desire of Pastor Bryan to come alongside those who are called to plant churches and work with them to see that call come to fruition. A second thing that has Vernal loves about Calvary La Mirada is the fact that God’s unchanging Word is preached with no reservations and God’s people are free to express their worship and serves to Him in whatever calling He has for them.

Vernal desires to see the community of faith at Calvary La Mirada to continue to grow in their understanding of God’s word and be able to “content for the faith once delivered to the saints.” Vernal has also been working on a theology/apologetics blog Solid Foundations.

Academic Background
Vernal graduated from:

Ministries at Calvary La Mirada

  • Associate Pastor: Assisting the Senior Pastor in shepherding the flock at Calvary La Mirada.
  • Solid Foundations/New Believers Class: This is a class covering the essentials of the Christian faith as taught in the Bible. It is open for Christians of all ages, new and old. The objective is to equip believers to think biblically about their faith and to know what Christianity is. Believers who seek to familiarize themselves with and/or refresh their understanding of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith are welcome to the class. New Believers are encouraged to attend. The class meets on Sundays during 1st Service in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Director of the Bible Ministry School: The Bible Ministry School is a 4 year academic program that seeks to equip believers to affectively minister in their local church. The school focuses on Sound Biblical Theology and Faithful Biblical Ministry Training. Vernal has the privilege of directing the school and overseeing a small staff. He also teaches Romans and other classes. For more information see
  • Hannah’s Heart: Ministry to couples who are experiencing infertility or Pregnancy loss. Vernal and his wife, Wendy want to provide support through prayer and encouragement.
15144 Leffingwell Rd, La Mirada, CA 90638
phone: 562-941-2558
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Service Times
  • 8:30am
  • 10:30am
  • Spanish - 1:30pm
  • Wednesday - 7:00pm
    14752 Beach Blvd.
    Suite 207
    La Mirada, California 90638