Calvary Chapel Bible Ministry School

Calvary Chapel Bible Ministry School was established in 1987 in La Mirada, California. It is one of the oldest established schools in the Calvary Chapel system of Churches. Our teaching and philosophy is patterned after that of Pastor Chuck Smith, and are in the best Calvary Chapel tradition.

Our purpose is to systematically train believers from all true Christian Denominations for effective ministry. We specialize in those who have extreme cost and time limitations due to family responsibilities and/or full time employment. For this reason, our classes can be attended at a time that is convenient for you within each 9-week class schedule. Our cost is less then half of most similar schools.

We encourage you therefore to pray for the Lord’s will in attending Calvary Chapel Bible Ministry School, and then join with us with His blessings as He furthers your walk and ministry in Jesus Christ.

“And he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”—Ephesians 4:11 - 12.

A Statement From The President of C.C.B.M.S

We started Calvary Chapel Bible Ministry School with the vision to help equip those who sense a call to the ministry. This calling may be in the area of Pastoring, Teaching, Missions, Evangelism, or simply the desire to be a more effective servant in one’s local fellowship.

We welcome anyone who desires to learn the Word and to be used by the Lord, and count it a privilege to have the opportunity to help you fulfill the Lord’s plans for your life.

In His Service,


Bryan Parish,


Calvary Chapel Bible Ministry School La Mirada

    These are some of the past events.
    15144 Leffingwell Rd, La Mirada, CA 90638
    phone: 562-941-2558
       Click Here to Give Online  
    Service Times
  • 8:30am
  • 10:30am
  • Spanish - 1:30pm
  • Wednesday - 7:00pm
    14752 Beach Blvd.
    Suite 207
    La Mirada, California 90638