Men's Ministry

God has birthed this ministry to help men everywhere discover the blessings He has for their lives.  We invite all men from 18 and over to come and fellowship with us as the scripture says in Hebrews:

We must also consider how to encourage each other to show love and to do good things. We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead, we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming.
Hebrews 10:24-25

What we do:
Together, we as a body of Christian men who attend Calvary Chapel La Mirada and surrounding churches have a call to come and fellowship.
Together, we learn the Bible in a practical, literal, historical, cultural, grammatical way that will impact men's lives the way Pastor Bryan Parish preaches from the pulpit.
Together, we pray for each other for God's grace to penetrate our personal lives; if married, a deeper love for our wives; with children, how to raise them in the ways of the Lord (by teaching & example); be a witness to our families (in word and deeds); a witness at our jobs (working smarter and dilligently as unto the Lord); to those unmarried, to serve Christ in their singleness with purity and faithfulness to the Lord, and other areas as well.
Together, we worship God through song and instrument so God may be blessed and He bless us through His Holy Spirit.
Together, we take what we learn in the fellowship and serve in the body of Christ at Calvary Chapel La Mirada, other churches, and the world.
Together, once a month we have a Saturday breakfast from 8-10am; we serve "catered style" breakfast and beverages (paid for by attendee donations), worship God in songs, pray, fellowship, and study His Word through special guest teachers or speakers.

We fellowship from 7-8:30pm weekly on Thursday Nights in the Fellowship Hall, and if you feel the Lord calling you to attend please come. 

For more information please see our table display at the entrance of the main sanctuary Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Evenings; see you there!!!

If you need to reach us by phone or email:

Juan Sanabria (Men's Leader)

For special needs regarding addictions, please follow this link:
C.A.R.E. (Christian Addiction Recovery Education)

    These are some of the past events.
    15144 Leffingwell Rd, La Mirada, CA 90638
    phone: 562-941-2558
       Click Here to Give Online  
    Service Times
  • 8:30am
  • 10:30am
  • Spanish - 1:30pm
  • Wednesday - 7:00pm
    14752 Beach Blvd.
    Suite 207
    La Mirada, California 90638